Movistar & Deepomatic: Maintaining a high quality of service in fiber installation operations
Operators and governments across Latin America are committed to improving fiber optic network services, and Colombia is no exception. The pandemic has also acted as a catalyst for the roll-out of technology, which is considered a driver of economic growth that fosters productivity and entrepreneurship and gives the population access to many types of services.
Movistar Colombia, one of Colombia's largest internet service providers and an affiliate of Telefónica group, is determined to bring broadband connectivity to Colombians today. Today, almost 4 million homes passed with fiber thanks to Movistar, with more than 710,000 homes connected. The objective is to reach 5.9 million homed passed by the end of 2024. The satisfaction of subscribers is at the heart of the operator's interests, and the company strongly emphasizes the quality of its fiber operations to guarantee a high level of service.

decrease in the revisit rate
photo reports completeness after only 1 month of project
Operation conformity rate

Before the project
Manual quality control and a lack of visibility on operations
- When technicians were going to the subscriber’s home to connect them to fiber optic, they were not required to take pictures of the operation.
- Therefore, Movistar was relying on in-person audits that were carried out later on, in order to monitor the work performed by its own agents or its subcontractors on selected operations.
- Naturally, this could not reflect the reality of what was happening throughout all of its fiber connection operations.
It became key to Movistar to put in place a process to apply high quality standards across all its operations and to monitor their implementation automatically.
With Deepomatic
Empowering technicians and subcontractors with AI
In order to increase its operational efficiency, Movistar partnered with Deepomatic at the end of 2021 to automate some of its field processes.
- Movistar put an AI-powered solution directly in the hands of fiber technicians, who now have to take photos of the equipment they work on to connect subscribers (like the aerial distribution termination point, the face plate, the wifi repeater, etc.).
- Deepomatic solution analyzes them in real-time and provides live feedback to the technician to validate their tasks and inform them in case of anomalies. This allows them to correct the detected defect instantly before leaving the site.
- Each operation and associated data is then centralized and accessible for review, and the solution provides indicators of the conformity of operations and the completeness of photo reports provided by the technicians.
- This enables Operations and Quality teams to monitor the quality of the work performed by Movistar agents and its subcontractors.
Thanks to Deepomatic, the rate of photo report completeness rose from 60% at the beginning of the project to 98% at the end of June 2022. Technicians have improved the quality of their work as the operation conformity rate is three times higher than at the beginning of the project. Finally, the revisit rate dropped by 21%, so Movistar has improved its operational cost efficiency.
“The project with Deepomatic reveals Movistar Colombia’s ambition to implement digital solutions by design in our field processes to roll out fiber optics efficiently. We have rapidly seen the tremendous impact of Deepomatic technology on our quality indicators, and we expect to extend its use to other fiber optic applications.”
Roberto PucheChief Technology OfficerMovistar Colombia (Telefónica)