White papers

Deepomatic has extensive expertise in computer vision powered by Artificial Intelligence uniquely designed for field operations. Browse our collection of white papers to become a First Time Right Automation expert yourself, and discover how our solution can help increase efficiency and deliver business outcomes.

Our collection

Discriminative AI vs Gen AI WP

White Paper | Generative AI vs Discriminative AI

90 days to automate QC with Computer Vision, Guidebook cover

White Paper | 90 days to automate the quality control of your field operations with Computer Vision

Cover Ebook 5 misconception Deepomatic

5 Common Misconceptions | AI Quality Control Automation in Field Operations

Infographic of Deepomatic's Total Economic Impact, unveiling the ROI of our platform, the quantified and unquantified benefits

[Infographic] | Deepomatic's TEI at a glance

The Total Economic Impact™ of Deepomatic, powered by Forrester

The Total Economic Impact™ of Deepomatic | Discover the ROI of our platform

Whitepaper about Field force empowerment through computer vision

[FFE] Field Force Empowerment | Leveraging computer vision to help field workers achieve First Time Right operations

How to create successfull computer vision systems in production

Lean AI | How to create successfull computer vision systems in production


Automate Quality. Accelerate Growth.