Field Data Visualization
Unlock the power of field data for complete operational visibility. Make sure you understand how your teams perform in the field.
Without access to reliable field data, assessing the quality of work and identifying operational failures become nearly impossible. This challenge is even greater when relying on subcontractors. With Deepomatic don’t wait for problems to surface, get instant clarity and take control of your field operations.

Leverage Aggregated Field Data to Optimize Your Operations
Deepomatic empowers you with precise field data, offering the right level of granularity to monitor key indicators daily. By analyzing operations data - such as photo report compliance rates, job compliance rates, and recurrent invalid work tasks - you can implement corrective measures (eg. localized training programs) and define improvement plans with your contractors.
Access operational data easily
Make decisions based on key indicators
Quickly identify priorities for your improvement plans
Increase the First-Time-Right rate of all your operations
Empower Your Back-Office Teams with Actionable Field Data
Deepomatic offers a a centralized access to intuitive dashboards where back-office teams can visualize and analyze field data. Your back-office teams can now monitor accurate operational KPIs and make better decisions.
- Close the gap between field teams and back-office operations
- Use real-time field data to enhance decision-making and operational quality